July 7-9
Ah, and wasn’t that fun, eh? So you can get a glimpse of bits of the fun, we have a number of pictures for your viewing pleasure… Liquor’s page, Liquor’s other page, DrDemure’s page, and Steve Kuchera’s page.
Now with schedule! Planning to join us in Toronto?
- Join the mailing list!
It’s fast, it’s straightforward, and you’ll learn all the breaking news. In fact, there’s an easy-to-use Web subscription form.
Please be sure to check the list archives before posting a question! They’re available on the same page as the subscription information.
- E-mail the Counter of Heads!
Our Demure Counter of Heads, Tedi Melton, has graciously volunteered to keep track of who’s coming — be sure to indicate whether you’re a “yes” or a “maybe,” as well as your preferred e-mail address. Also, since said DCoH has agreed ever-so-graciously to do something involving the badges, you should also email her with the following information:- Name you want on your badge
- Your real name, both first and last, and whether that should go on your badge.
- City, state/province/country, and whether it should go on your badge.
You can reach her at dr2b@voyager.net.
- Take a look around!
If you’re new to the online versions of Callahan’s Place, take a look at the Allabout and FAQ, linked from the Place’s page. Please keep in mind that this is not a fan convention for Spider, Jeanne, and/or their writing: it’s more like a family reunion. If you’re a regular, you’re probably after details: use the navigation links at the top of the page to get what you need.
Also note that more information will be arriving shortly. Matter of fact, it’ll be arriving just as soon as someone tells me about it. So fear not.
Last modified 4/3/2000 by D. Porowski.